Good practices database

Welcome to Euromontana’s mountain good practices database!

Here you will find a range of past and ongoing initiatives that are inspiring to drive change in the mountains! The database includes practices from all over Europe, covering a wide range of topics and using a variety of funding instruments. If you are leading sustainable development in your mountain community, you can also submit your own good practice! For any questions or requests, please contact

Dinara back to LIFE: restoring mountain grassland birds’ habitats

Dinara back to LIFE shows that traditional methods such as pastoralism are essential for the good management of mountain grasslands.

Training unaccompanied minors to mountain jobs for a future in the Pyrenees

The AVENIR project has developed a global approach to the integration of unaccompanied minors, focusing on vocational training but also on their social, cultural, and linguistic integration.

Territorial cohesion, Demography
“Mountain municipality – Youth, our future”: a label to encourage municipalities to act for youth

In order to encourage municipalities to act in support of young people and for the attractiveness of the territory, a label aims to recognise the efforts of these municipalities and to give them a positive and attractive image towards new inhabitants.

GORTA: when social innovation helps revitalise abandoned land

The GORTA Operational Group’s social innovation approach has demonstrated that dialogue between stakeholders can help overcome land abandonment and generational renewal by creating new models of land use adapted to each farm.

Common agriculture policy
Return of Young People to Aragon: supporting access to employment in mountain regions

This multi-annual initiative aimed at facilitating the return of young Aragonese who have left the territory due to the lack of jobs.

Soča Evergreen: a year-round tourism strategy in the Soča Valley

The Soča Valley in Slovenia is a popular destination for outdoor tourism. However, the high seasonality of activities can have negative effects on the concentration of tourist flows, on sensitive natural areas and on the sustainability of jobs in the sector.

Sustainable tourism
Rhodoshop: a One-Stop-Shop on energy efficiency for the Rhodope’s municipalities

The Rhodoshop initiative replicates the One-Stop-Shop concept at regional level to support stakeholders in identifying and accessing funds channelled towards energy efficiency.

Energy, Research & innovation
Climate change adaptation: Spessart’s all-year around tourism strategy

To cope with the effects of climate change, the area of Spessart which is covered both by the regions of Hesse and Bavaria, decided to develop a 4-seasons tourism model.

Sustainable tourism, Climate change
“Stay in the countryside – it pays off” campaign for youth

To encourage young people to stay and live-in rural areas, the « Stay in the countryside – it pays off » campaign was carried out in 2018 in the four mountainous regions of Małopolskie, Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie and Lubelskie.

Rural development, Demography