General Assembly
The General Assembly is composed of all Euromontana member organisations . It meets every year and is responsible for all decisions concerning the network and the activities of the association. In particular, the General Assembly defines the guidelines and positions on the fundamental issues for the sustainable development of the mountains. It also elects the members of the Board of Directors, votes on the activity reports and controls the budgets.
Board of Directors
Euromontana’s Board of Directors consists of a maximum of 30 members who supervise and implement the decisions of the General Assembly. It provides expertise on specific issues and on the management of the network. In particular, it is responsible for approving the admission of new members. The Board meets about 3 times a year.
It is elected by the members at the General Assembly for a term of 4 years. The Board elects from among its members a President, a Treasurer and up to 5 Vice-Presidents.

Laura Gascón Herrero
Province of Teruel – Spain

Mario Grillo
First Vice-President
Cia Agricoltori Italiani – Italy

Dominique Fayel
FNSEA – France

Juan Andrès Gutierrez
Basque Government HAZI – Spain

Witold Kozłowski
Region of Malopolska – Poland

Adrian-Radu Rey
Romontana – Romania

Danijel Bertović
SENSUM – Croatia

Georges Alexakis
Board member
Region of Creete – Greece

Hanne Alstrup Velure
Board member
Innlandet County Council – Norway

Elena Badeanschi
Board member
Federazione Trentina della cooperazione – Italy

Name to be confirmed
Board member
Maramures County Council – Romania

Bernat Claramunt
Board member
CREAF – Spain

Anna Giorgi
Board member

Klavdija Gornik
Board member
Regional development agency for Podravje Maribor – Slovenia

Carlos Guàrdia Carbonell
Board member
Region of Catalonia – Spain

Christophe Léger
Board member
Association of France’s chambers of agriculture – France

Fabio Losio
Board member
ERSAF – Italy

Anne Kristine Norman
Board member
Buskerud County Council – Norway

Kjell Overvåg
Board member
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences – Norway

Simão Pinho
Board member
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Mountain Research Centre (CIMO) – Portugal

Dilyana Slavova
Board member
Mountain Milk Association – Bulgaria
The Senate is the advisory body of Euromontana. It is made up of several founding members of the association and of people who have been involved with the network for a long time and who provide valuable input and expertise to the association. Euromontana’s Senate is currently made of 7 members.