
Conceived as a key component of Europe’s Long Term Vision for Rural Areas, the Rural Toolkit was officially launched on 6 February.

The EU’s rural policy should be maintained and strengthened, says the Council of the EU (EU 27 agriculture ministers) in its conclusions on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, adopted on 20 November 2023.

RUSTIK partners gathered in Parma (Italy) from 16th to 19th of October 2023 for a productive annual project meeting hosted by CREA, the Council for Agricultural Research. One year after the start of the project, the partners had the opportunity to present and reflect on the progress made in all the Work Packages and to plan the next steps for the coming year.

Laura Gascón Herrero, Employment and Local Development Officer of the Provincial Government of Teruel (Spain) and member of the Board of Directors of Euromontana, has recently been nominated as a member of the Coordination Group of the European Rural Pact.

The platform gathers information and resources for rural communities facing population loss, ageing and demographic decline. A wide range of stakeholders are invited to use the platform, from regional and local authorities to Local Action Groups, national CAP networks and any rural stakeholders working to revitalise their territory.

Announced in 2021 as one of the components of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas, the European Rural Observatory was launched on 8 December.