Good practices database

Welcome to Euromontana’s mountain good practices database!

Here you will find a range of past and ongoing initiatives that are inspiring to drive change in the mountains! The database includes practices from all over Europe, covering a wide range of topics and using a variety of funding instruments. If you are leading sustainable development in your mountain community, you can also submit your own good practice! For any questions or requests, please contact

Between Lleida and La Pobla: an on-demand train in the Pyrenees

In the High Pyrenees of Catalonia, an on-demand railway line connects 17 rural villages every day. The service model was redesigned by the regional authorities to keep the line efficient and viable, while maintaining transport services for the local population and visitors.

Sankt Veit’s low carbon daily mobility strategy

To decrease car dependency, a tailored made low-carbon transport strategy targeting the daily mobility of workers was implemented in Sankt Veit im Pongau.

Territorial cohesion, Connectivity, Climate change
Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes

To facilitate the access to care services, the Provincial Government of Castellón set up in 2018 the ‘Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes’.

Cozzano: a sustainable Smart Village

Cozzano is a community of 270 inhabitants located in the high valley of Taravo in southern Corsica. By using connected devices and collecting environmental data, Smart Paesi’s partners want to increase the climate and energy resilience of the village.

Territorial cohesion, Connectivity, Forests, Energy
“Together it’s better” carpooling initiative in the Jura Arc

The Jura Arc carpooling project promotes car-sharing in this mid-mountain region, which is underserved by public transport. The initiative aims to make it easier for local workers to get around, while promoting social links and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Territorial cohesion, Connectivity