Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes
In the Province of Castellón (Spain), the lack of transport offer challenges the quality of life of local communities and complicates the access to healthcare infrastructures for vulnerable groups. To facilitate the access to care services, the Provincial Government of Castellón set up in 2018 the ‘Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes’.
Mobility, population density, healthcare: connected challenges
Castellón is a coastal and mountainous province where many rural municipalities face depopulation. Due to the low population density, classic public transport offers are not viable enough in these villages – which leads to the vicious circle of depopulation linked to the decline in the quality of life and a decrease in the attractiveness of the territory.
The availability of transport offers is in particular important for those who are not in age or condition to drive a private vehicle, such as youth and older adults. For seniors, living at home in their village is sometimes an option only if they can also easily access healthcare services.
A Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes
To address these interconnected challenges, the Provincial Government of Castellón launched in 2018 an on-demand transport offer dedicated to vulnerable people who need to go to a medical appointment. This ‘Rural Taxi with Medical Purposes’ aims at facilitating the access to healthcare for older adults living in municipalities counting less than 5,000 inhabitants.
This door-to-door service is free of charge for users who do not have a private car, who are (even temporary) unable to drive or who do not have a driving licence. Local authorities subcontract this service to local taxi companies and act as interfaces between users and drivers. To use the service, people can make a request in the municipality they live in, justifying their need by providing their ID card, the doctor’s note and a statement on their need for making use of the taxi for medical purposes.
In the Province, 115 municipalities of less than 5,000 people are now offering this on-demand transport. In municipalities like Montán, where the 370 inhabitants live at 60km from the closest hospital, the taxi service is key to ensure the connectivity between the village and care services – in particular for older adults.