Good practices database

Welcome to Euromontana’s mountain good practices database!

Here you will find a range of past and ongoing initiatives that are inspiring to drive change in the mountains! The database includes practices from all over Europe, covering a wide range of topics and using a variety of funding instruments. If you are leading sustainable development in your mountain community, you can also submit your own good practice! For any questions or requests, please contact

ODISSEU Rural internships to boost youth employment

ODISSEU is a programme which aims at facilitating the return of young people to rural areas through employment. This programme of the Catalan region runs awareness raising, training and networking activities with rural companies in order to counterbalance the depopulation and masculinization of the region’s rural territories.

Rural development, Demography
Mon Lait: quality, sustainability and fair income in the same glass of milk

Mont Lait is a French dairy producer brand benefiting from the EU Optional Quality Term “mountain product”. Mont Lait managed to take profit of the term to keep the added value in mountain areas and redistribute it to producers while also raising awareness on the importance of maintaining mountain agriculture.

Mountain products
MapLoup: a predation monitoring and analysis portal for livestock farmers and local stakeholders

MapLoup is a predation data portal with an online visualisation interface. It provides livestock farmers and shepherds, technicians and policy-makers with clear, reliable and fast real-time access to data on wolf predation.

Giving life to Slovenian grasslands

The Life to Grasslands project’s main aim is to improve the unfavourable status of dry grasslands and ensure the long-term conservation of these habitats, as well as plant and animal species connected to them.

Hiking routes to explore the impacts of climate change on mountains

In the cross-border region between Germany and Austria, the KlimaAlps project wants to encourage individual climate action and nature protection.

Sustainable tourism, Climate change
Ecotourism trainings for handicraft entrepreneurs: a driver of sustainable tourism in the Carpathians

4 ecotourism workshops were organised in the Carpathians, in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, to train local handicraft entrepreneurs and other rural tourism professionals on how to implement sustainable tourism practices. The initiative aimed at increasing the visibility of rural and ecotourism in mountain areas.

Sustainable tourism
GPS collars to guarantee extensive pastoral practices for consumers

In Thessaly, Greece, cooperation Terra Thessalia developed a GPS tracking system in Thessaly to facilitate pastoral activities but also communication between farmers’ and other actors such as foresters and consumers.

Pastoralism, Mountain products
Revitalising villages thanks to rural cafes in Massif Central

To encourage the multiplication of cafes and pubs acting as multiservices points and community places, IPAMAC produced a practice guide to help in all steps of a business creation.

Rural development
The Desafio programme: a “rural Erasmus” to fight depopulation in rural and mountain areas

Desafio is a rural internship programme aiming at revitalising rural and mountainous areas by improving their attractiveness among students. Created in 2018 by the Chair on Depopulation and Creativity of the University of Zaragoza, Spain, the programme connects rural public and private organisations willing to train young people
