III European Mountain Convention – Rural development

III European Mountain Convention – Rural development

16, 17 & 18 May 2002
Inverness - Scotland

The III European Mountain Convention was organised on 16, 17 & 18 March 2002 in Inverness, Scotland, and focused on “Our mountains – A future strength of European rural development”.

This third edition is organised with the collaboration of  Highlands & Islands Enterprise, the Crofters Commission, Scottish Natural Heritage, The Highland Council and the Forestry Commission. The European Observatory for Mountain Forests and the Friends of the Mountains group of the European Parliament also contributed to the organisation of the third Convention.

Mountain areas are known for their permanent geographical handicaps, which have consequences for their development. However, the vision of the Third European Mountain Convention is that mountain areas will succeed in developing their potential and overcoming their natural handicaps so that their unique assets can be safeguarded for the benefit of Europe.

Event material

Presentation brochure

Foreword by European Commission's Franz Fischler
