Position papers
Open letter to Commissioner Christophe Hansen

Euromontana's demands for greater support for mountain farming in the Vision for Agriculture and Food
The new Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, Mr Hansen, has been asked to present his Vision for Agriculture and Food in the EU within the first 100 days of the new European mandate.
Mountain farming plays a vital role in European agricultural production: it accounts for 18% of farms and 15% of the agricultural workforce in the European Union. At a time when farming in our regions is threatened more than ever by a lack of viability and generational renewal, Euromontana calls on Mr Hansen to propose concrete measures to support mountain farmers in the forthcoming vision.
Our demands are articulated around the urgent need to:
- Ensure fair remuneration and promote generational renewal
- Recognition of the positive externalities of extensive livestock farming
- Increase the value of mountain products in sustainable food systems