More than 200 mountain stakeholders from all over Europe gathered around the theme of the future of economies and, in thematic workshops, co-constructed the Puigcerdà Declaration “Mountain economies: Ensuring a vibrant future for mountain economies”.
The XII European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption of the Sila Declaration, which sets out Euromontana’s approach and vision of smart mountain areas towards 2050
This policy brief for Euromontana members takes a detailed look at the measures proposed in the new EU flagship initiative for rural Europe: the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
This policy brief for Euromontana members examines policies that can help regions tackle depopulation while avoiding the effects of seasonal overtourism
This policy brief for Euromontana members introduces the European instruments for post-COVID recovery and the opportunities – but also the risks – they present for mountain areas
Euromontana has been closely involved in the consultation process of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. This position paper presents the main recommendations of Euromontana for an efficient implementation.
In the framework of the EU Green Deal, the European Commission announced the adoption of a new Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility to help reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050.
The European Commission proposed to make 2021 the European Year of Rail. Euromontana welcomes the proposal, which could be an opportunity to discuss the development of rail transport in mountain areas.
Euromontana’s factsheet is addressed to Managing Authorities and provides guidance on how to better take into account mountain areas in the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy.