Position papers
Towards a Long-Term Vision for Mountains’ Rural Areas – Euromontana’s vision

Euromontana's position and recommendations for the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas.
In 2019, the European Commission has announced its intention to present a Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. Euromontana has been closely involved in the stakeholder consultation process and has met several times with the European institutions in 2019 and 2020 to share recommendations and present preliminary position papers.
In November 2020, the European Commission launched a public consultation on this topic and Euromontana contributed to it to share some final recommendations.
This final position paper on the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas presents:
- Some of the specific characteristics of mountain areas to be taken into account in the EU Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas.
- A set of key priorities that Euromontana recommends focusing on, such as social innovation, territorial attractiveness, and governance.
- Resources from research activities and projects that can help to shape the EU Rural Vision.