Position papers
How to generate added value from Europe’s Mountains?

Euromontana's position on mountains’ economy, competitiveness and added value
The VI European Mountain Convention was organised on 8, 9 & 10 October 2008 in Brig, Switzerland, on the topic “How to create added value in Europe’s mountain regions?”.
Mountains’ economies face different challenges, from geographical constraints to climate change, industry decline, attractiveness of jobs and entrepreneurship promotion.
The VI European Mountain Convention concluded with the adoption of the Brig Declaration “How to generate added value from Europe’s Mountains?”, which sets out Euromontana’s vision of mountains’ economy.
The Declaration includes:
- A statement on the challenges that affect mountain areas, their communities and their economies, such as climate change, depopulation and new changes brought by the revision of key EU policies such as the Common Agriculture Policy and the Cohesion Policy.
- Recommendations for European, national, regional and local authorities to support the territorial and economic development of mountain areas to allow for more value to be generated in these regions.