VI European Mountain Convention – Mountain economy
The VI European Mountain Convention was organised on 8, 9 & 10 October 2008 in Brig, Switzerland, which will be in 2008 the Alpine City of the Year thus providing an ideal setting for the European Mountain Convention. This edition is organised in collaboration with the Swiss Centre for Mountain Regions (SAB) with the support of the Federal Office for Agriculture, the Canton of Valais, the City of Brig and various sponsors.
The 2008’s Convention explored the topic “How to create added value in Europe’s mountain regions?”. The aim of this Convention is to discuss how to create added value in Europe’s mountain areas, and the sessions will deal specifically with new European policies for mountain areas, the right policy framework for mountains and their contribution to competitiveness and innovation, to the transformation of the mountain economy and industrial sector, to the development of mountain entrepreneurship, and ways to adapt to climate change.