VII European Mountain Convention – Innovation
The VII European Mountain Convention was organised on 15, 16 & 17 September 2010 in Lillehammer, Norway with a focus on the topic “European Mountain Regions – A spirit of Innovation”.
This edition was organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Mountain Network and Hedmark fylkeskommune and with the support of Oppland fylkeskommune, Buskerud fylkeskommune, Sogn of Fjordane fylkeskommune, Telemark fylkeskommune as well as the Norwegian ministry of local government and regional development.
Innovation, together with research, is part of the “EU 2020 Strategy” recently adopted by the European Union and its Member States to respond to the economic crisis and to revitalise European businesses.
The exit from the crisis should be the entry into a new sustainable social market economy, a smarter, greener economy, where our prosperity will come from innovation and from using resources better, and where the key input will be knowledge (Source: EU 2020 Strategy)
As the main event in the European mountain calendar, the 7th European Mountain Convention will reflect this focus in order to contribute to the establishment and better understanding of innovation throughout Europe. Entitled “European Mountain Regions – A spirit of innovation”, the conference will examine the process of innovation and the tools needed to innovate. A common understanding of innovation will be achieved through the presentation of innovation theories and practical examples. In addition, it will focus on sectors that are essential for the sustainable development of mountain areas. We will examine good practices and knowledge in areas such as energy, protected areas, tourism, forestry and public services.