Project info
Funding programme: European Union’s Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development
Duration: 23 May 2014 – 30 April 2015
Coordinator: Euromontana
A new CAP
Mountains of opportunities

A new CAP: Mountains of opportunities is a large communication campaign aimed at raising awareness of the opportunities offered by the new Common Agriculture Policy and how it contributes to structuring supply chains in mountain areas.
To this end, A new CAP: Mountains of opportunities analysed the Common Agriculture Policy 2014-2020 and how it supports the value chains and territorial specificities of mountain areas. The project produced several brochures and organised several national seminars to inform potential beneficiaries of the new CAP measures and funds. The discussions focused on six main topics of importance for mountain areas: innovation, socio-economic impact, territorial approach, environment and heritage, marketing approaches and tools for quality and traceability.
The partnership consists of 7 partners from mountain areas. Euromontana is the project coordinator. All project partners are members of Euromontana.
A new CAP: Mountains of opportunities has helped to raise awareness among farmers and mountain stakeholders of the new features of the Common Agriculture Policy. The project helped to inform them about the measures and funds available to support value chains and rural development in mountain areas.
The campaign contributed to informing farmers about the new features of the CAP, such as the “active farmer” concept and greening measures. In addition, thanks to a thematic approach, it also promoted the opportunities available for rural innovation, quality food and environmental measures, among others. Thanks to its focus on value chains, the campaign also helped to identify ways to better promote mountain products through tourism, LEADER strategies or cooperation.
The impact of the project lasted throughout the implementation period of this CAP until 2021.
Key results
Brochure “A new CAP– Mountains of Opportunities”
Thematic factsheets
presenting the main outcomes of the CAP measures and the outcomes of seminars on the different thematic topics covered by the project. They also present inspiring initiatives on the related topics.
Innovation factsheet
Territorial approach factsheet
Socio–economic impact factsheet
Environment and heritage factsheet
Marketing approaches factsheet
Tools for quality and traceability factsheet
Collaboration and governance factsheet
A series of factsheets on concrete local case studies
providing an overview of the implementation of the 2014 – 2020 CAP, and the most promising rural development measures at national level. They also provide information on mountain supply chains in each country and interesting LEADER initiatives examples.
Country factsheet for France
Country factsheet for Spain
Country factsheet for Portugal
Country factsheet for Italy
Country factsheet for Slovenia
Country factsheet for Romania
Policy recommendations
targeting European, national and regional policy makers these recommendations focus on:
How to create better synergies between mountain value chains and tourism
How to improve the connections between LEADER local development strategies and supply chain actors
How to improve networking and cooperation among mountain supply chain operators
Conclusions from the final conference
held in Bilbao together with the IX European Mountain Convention (October 2014), the event report from the closing event of the project provide further insights on how the CAP can support mountain farming, products and territories.
Euromontana (coordinator)
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences of the University of Maribor
IPB, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Polytechnic Institute of Braganza
ERSAF, Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry
Macéo, association of public and private actors of the Massif Central
Direction for Rural, Coastal and European Policies of the Basque Government and HAZI Foundation