Project info
Funding programme: INTERREG IVC
Duration: 1 January 2012 – 31 December 2014
Coordinator: Province of Torino (Italy)
More info: project brochure
Digital Agenda for New Tourism Approach in European Rural and Mountain Areas

DANTE (Digital Agenda for New Tourism Approach in European Rural and Mountain Areas) aims to improve the effectiveness of the regional policies in the area of innovation, by fostering the key contribute that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools can bring to the tourism sector in rural and mountain areas.
To this end, DANTE built on interregional cooperation with more advanced regions in the development of ICT initiatives and good practices exchange. The transferability of such practices was tested through a pilot action in the Province of Torino. Partners used their experience to support eight Regional and Local Governments and Agencies in designing action plans to boost to uptake of ICT tools and methodologies in the rural tourism sector.
The partnership consists of 13 partners from rural and mountain areas in Europe. Euromontana is responsible for the communication and dissemination activities of the project. One Euromontana member is part the consortium: the Province of Torino.
Through interregional cooperation and exchange of good practices, DANTE has contributed to improving knowledge on the use of ICT tools in rural and mountain tourism. In addition, DANTE has helped to ensure the transferability of these practices and helped 8 territories in defining a strategy to increase the uptake of digital innovations in rural tourism.
Key results
Booklet of good practices
focused on Information and Communication Technologies supporting tourism in rural and mountain areas, the booklet should inspire you, local and regional authorities, with examples of successful initiatives to encourage the uptake of digital solutions in the rural tourism sector
Final conference report (in French)
held in Brussels (June 2014), the event report of DANTE’s final conference provides an overview of the tools and strategies available to enhance the contribution of digital technologies in the development of rural and mountain tourism
Province of Torino (coordinator)
Πανεπιστημιο Κρητησ – Ειδικός Λογαριασμός Κονδυλίων Ερευνας
CSI Piemonte
Center Za Razvoj Litija D.O.O.
Univerza V Ljubljani
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Freizeit auf dem Lande e.V. Niedersachsen
Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Bielsku-Białej
Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en Extremadura (FUNDECYT)